Overview September 2013

Lately I thought about making a new family&friends chart explaning who is who in our family&friends group and how they are related to eachother.

Let me start with the name and the logo of our group. It is called “Euro Brat Pack”. Ok, it is quite obvious that I’m European as is my wife, partner, slave and owner Jenny (laylady.lay). So that explains the “Euro”. When I founded the group I was collared by Yasmin Heartsdale, who coined my Seconed life during my first years inworld and who owned me for more than 3 years as her sub, her brat. Her family was called “Yasmin’s Brat Pack”. Yasmin is from the US and I saw her not as much as I wanted to which is one reason why I was quite independant although I was owned. Quite soon after my collaring I collared Jenny and began to build my own family, first within Yasmin’s family. I founded the group and looked for a logo. I seleceted the European flag and added the symbol of Yasmin’s Brat Pack into the middle of the stars. Done.

The family&friends group was restricted to my collared subs and to the members of Yasmin’s family as we were all part of her larger family. Jenny became my married slave and partner and nowadays owns my collar – making us mutally owned. We let the group grow, then decided to keep it restricted to subs only, then added friends again. We have many friends beyond our group of course and being not in our group doesn’t mean, that you’re not a friend of us. Today the group is for our family and for those we have or had a close relationship.

So who is in the group?

First of all there are our “offical” direct family members, collared by Jenny and me:
Kitty Maurer (santana.thibedeau)
Dana Maurer (dana.drezelan)
Maurer’s it (queen.takacs)
Angelique Maurer (angelique.teskat)
Delilah Maurer (delilah.ormidale)
subtittia Maurer (mistress.cuttita)
Daeneriis (danii.szydlowska)

Then there’s Argi. We’re still working to collar her and currently 4 other slaves and potentials:
Argi Boa
Natalia Bressig
Tamsin Etoile
Paige Umino
Florence Riddler

Our neighbours of today and yesterday. We see them as our family members:
Tyra (tyra.sciarri)
Virgo Babii
Sarah Fhang
Claven Albatros

We also kept those we had collared but who were released in our family&friends group:
Arka (arkahelle.janus)
Allana Mikadze
sj Panthar
vanessa Rendelstein
vero Lacombe

Also the former sisters of Diomita (when she was collared by Yasmin) are in our family group. These are:
Aiko (fae.howlett)
Claire Mason (claire.sykes)
Jill Freenote
Jilly (jill.ormstein)
Nicki Toy (nichole.aker)
Tasha (yar.telling)
rabea Landar
Teyonas (teyonas.miklos)
Mariska McMahon
Jaycie Juliesse

Last but not least there are a handful of friends, who are in our family&friends group for different reasons. I won’t go into Details.
Asfor (asfor.cooperstone)
Baroness (baroness.capelo)
Clara Spice (mistressspice)

Cumslut (pike.mayo)
Daisy (guinevere.millet)
Jo Arlington
loarne Spice (loarne.aridian)
Nirvana Elan

Princess puppet (malidur.galicia)
Zara Latour
Starbright Wingtips
Bev (beverly.ultsch)

I thought a lot how to make a chart of all family&friends group members. But I admit that I had no real good idea. What I came up with is the above list of names, grouped into categories. I also grayed out those, who hardly show up anymore. The accounts of these friends are still active and every once in a while one of them show up, but there’s no real contact anymore.
20130919 Euro Brats Overview

I intend to update this overview every once in a while. I hope that this page clarifies at least some of the questions that I get from time to time “What is a Euro Brat?”

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