Backflash February 2023 “Angelique collared one year” (Feb 21st, 2013)

In the “Backflash” series I select an old entry once a month and present it here. This way I force myself to browse in the archive and to fresh up a few of the many memories. For our readers the series shall provide an insight into my and our Second Life without reading back the many posts and it might also give reason to browse through the archives. It has been a while that I had the last “Backflash of the month” entry in this blog. With this post I intend to continue the series.
For February 2023 I selected a post from February 2013 – 10 (!) years ago. It is a diary post about Angelique, who celebrated her 1st collaring anniversary on February 21st, 2013. I appreciate a lot that Angelique is still close to me, still my niece and still such a special person in my life.
Enjoy the travel in time ….

Angelique, our sweet niece, is collared one year today!

When Angel first came to us she was a troubled young lady who used to embarrass herself quite often.  We took Angel under our wing and decided that Angel was in need of some further education in order for her to become a young lady who would be a real credit to our family.

However when we first tried to help Angel we found that it often became a struggle and that she would resist some of our help. Over time we discovered that what Angel really needed was two role models and not just a Mistress / Sub relationship. We decided it would be best if we adopted her into our family and we became her Aunties. After this Angel’s behaviour improved a great deal and we noticed that her embarrassing problem was now under control. A few people still tease her by calling her little miss pissy pants but those days are long gone.

We found a good finishing school for Angel to attend and she began her journey to becoming quite the young lady. Unfortunately as with a lot of things in SL, people come and go and so do the places. We have had to move Angel a number of times, but this has also helped her to develop many new skills. You are quite likely to find Angel at our home dusting and cleaning when she is not busy in class. One thing that we can both say about Angel is that she puts her heart into everything that she does and always gives 100%. She is bright, funny and has brought us many smiles since we met her. In fact Angel we both love you very much.

One final word of warning for you though Angel. Aunties have a habit of knowing all the dark secrets of their nieces. Just because we have not said anything does not mean that we are blind to it, just that we do not disapprove. (winks).

Angelique Maurer's collaring anniversary

Angelique Maurer’s collaring anniversary

Happy first collaring anniversary, Angelique
Love from your aunties Diomita and Jenny

Link to the original post

Dio’s 15th year in Second Life Feb 11th, 2023

Without slave Holly reminding me I woulf have forgot my 15th rezzday. When she reminded a few days ago, my first thought was “Do I really want to write a long blogpost about the last year?” The honest answer is no. Nonetheless I sit here and begin writing, though I do not intend to write a really long post.

The last year in Second life was coined by the loss of my beloved partner, wife, slave, Mistress, my best friend Jenny. She passed away last Summer unexpectedly. I was worried when she didn’t come online although we had planned to meet and when my messages kept unanswered I figured out that something must have happened. The days of uncertainty were hard. Finally, I had contact with her family and learned of her unexpected sudden death.
It was hard to accept it, even harder to stay in Second Life. Those days I considered to leave SL behind me, I thought about closing the blog. My family in SL, all my close friends here were here for me and kept me going and finally I decided to stay and to continue this blog.
Then I had another stroke of fate, this time in my RL. Sometimes it is really hard to function, to continue and I mean both worlds RL and SL. The two are connected, SL is just a part of my RL. Since that stroke of fate I’m quite busy in my RL and my time in SL is limited. And I do not blog daily anymore.

August 14th, 2022: Diomita at Jenny’s monument at home / Diomita kneeling next to Mistress Jenny’s holographic statue in our skybox

It is said that time heals all wounds and it is. Today I like to remember the good time that Jenny and I had. Nevertheless, I miss her very much and my SL is different today than when we were here together. But my other SL gives me pleasure and I like to come into my other world – yet in the future I will also pursue more projects in RL and I also plan to travel more.

The family in SL hasn’t changed. Kitty, Flo and slave Holly are still my officially collared subs. slave Alessi is still close as my sub and a close family member as if she were collared. Angelique, my niece, is going through a hard time in her RL but she stays in touch and lives in our sim again, what I do appreciate.  Ebony, my step-daughter and all others who were close to Jenny and me, stayed close to me. Thank you all! Without you all, I wouldn’t be here anymore.

My sub side needs an outlet and to my surprise Cherry (Elenaslv Serenity) turned out to become my Mistress. We are both switches, maybe that’s why we fit. I’m happy to call her Mistress Cherry and I enjoy being with her. Mistress Cherry respects my SL family and thus our time together is limited, also because Mistress has her store and business in SL and is owned herself. Thank you, Mistress Cherry.

December 17th, 2022 Mistress Cherry and Diomita

I continued exploring SL but I reduced my simploring activities. The simploring reports take a lot of time and I simply did not and do not have the time at the moment. What I mainly continue are my art activities. I enjoy visiting galleries and supporting the artists by writing about them. I had more than 100 art posts in my 14th year in Second Life.
Unfortunately I hadn’t enough time to continue the “Enjoying Bondage” series, but I hope to pick up this activity again as well as the “Backflash of the month” series.

During my 14th year in SL I also continued slightly changing my appearance. As opposed to RL, in SL we get more and more beautiful and I like this feature. So here is a picture of me taken end of August 2022.

August 28th, 2022: Diomita Maurer

I am still curious to see what SL has in store for me in the future and I look forward to every day I have the opportunity to spend time in SL. My SL without Jenny has simply changed. I want to thank all my friends and readers. SL is first of all about people and it’s you all who keep my and our SL enjoyable.
Let’s look forward and go on into my 16th year in Second Life.

Love from Diomita

Happy New Year 2023 and some stats and findings about this blog (2022 in review)

2022 has been another challenging year for all of us. This time it wasn’t just the darn virus, it was even more the Russian Agression and the following war in Ukraine, the scarcity of energy, disturbed supply chains and a skyrocketing inflation that made it not the best year in RL for many of us.

In SL all was fine, it was Jenny’s and my heavently escape from RL, the world how we would bake it, if we could. But there is no SL without RL. In July my wife, owner, slave, Mistress, my beloved partner in SL, Jenny, passed away unexpectedly. From one day to the other my SL was not the same anymore! I considered to leave SL and to stop writing as Jenny wasn’t around me anymore. My family and friends in SL helped a lot to keep me inworld, and even to continue blogging. But the easiness had gone. I changed the name of the blog, and stopped blogging daily, yet I continued the diary and I still post new entries regularly, just not every day anymore.
There are several posts about this dark time in SL. I want to point to two posts that were hard to write. One is a tribute to Mistress Jenny (read “A tribute to Jenny Maurer“) published September 3rd, 2022. The other is about the changes in this blog (read “Upcoming changes in this blog“), published September 4th, 2022.

On a lighter note, I got closer to cherry (Elenaslv Serenity) end of November 2022 and within a few days I fully submitted to her. She does not replace Jenny, she’s way to different for that, and none can ever replace her! But a new chapter, a new journey started for me and for Mistress Cherry.

In 2022 there about 160 diary entries, over 100 posts about art in Second Life and 21 simploring reports. Over all the blog grew by 333 new posts bringing the total archive of this blog to over 2,900 (!) posts.
As taking pictures is one of my passions in SL and storage space here is not free, I group my pictures to save space. When you click the pictures you can see them a bit larger. I also post the pictures on deviant art (Diomita Maurer at Deviant art). For my simploring tours I have a flickr account where I publish pictures from these tours in full size. As there’s a picture limit of 1,000 for a free acount, you find there only the pictures of the last about 30 simploring tours. There you get the pictures in a higher resolution. In total I took more than 12,000 pictures in 2022.

In 2022 the number of visitors of the blog remained at close to 15,000 people. Also the number of clicks was quite stable with 46,000 compared to 45,000 in 2021. Most clicks came from the Germany (11,100), US (8,100) and the UK (4,100). The number of followers was quite unchanged as well with 245 compared to 240 in 2021. The statistics show that in total people from over 130 (!) countries visited our blog. Many thanks to all friends, readers and followers.
Most found our blog coming from search engines (14.200) and from deviantart (1,400). Again not only the new blog entries attracted readers, there’re also some “evergreens”. The Top 6 Posts in 2022 were:

1. The Victorian Corset Story – Part II –  1,109 clicks – March 2017 (written by slave Flo) – ranked 1st also in 2021
2. The Victorian Corset Story – Part III – 337 clicks – March 2017 (written by slave Flo) – ranked 2nd also in 2021
3. the About page – 294 clicks – revised in September 2022
4. Sissy sold – 248 clicks – August 2013
5. Maurer’s slave Holly aka. honoursgirl – 212 clicks – April 2021
6. The Victorian Corset Story – Part I – 200 clicks – March 2017 (written by Flo)

This blog contains a lot of memories for me and for the people close to me in Second Life. It started as a little diary to keep up with all the things happening around Jenny and me in Second Life and has grown with time. In the meanwhile I read back myself often to look up a date or to check if I came across a place already before. I introduced a new series in 2019, the “Backflash of the month”. In the “Backflash” series I select an old entry once a month and present it here. This way I force myself to browse in the archive and to fresh up a few of the many memories. For our readers this series shall provide an insight into our Second Life without reading back the many posts and it might also give reason to browse through the archives. After Jenny’s death I missed picking a “Backflash of the month” post every month. I intend to improve and to pick one every month in 2023.

I still have fun writing and it’s my intention to continue the blog, but I might blog less as I have planned some journeys in 2023. Hence I will blog, when I find the time for it and when I am in the mood for it. I personally think that we spend a lot our free time in real life in this virtual world. It makes sense to keep the memories like you do in real life. The memories are real and they stay vivid and present this way.

Thanks again for reading and following my blog.
Have a great and peaceful (!) year 2023 in SL and in RL, and stay healthy!
Diomita Maurer

Art in Second Life 2022 (77) Michiel Bechir Gallery September 2022

I got an invitation from Michiel Bechir to see the latest exhibition at his “Michiel Bechir Gallery“, that had been opened on September 3rd, 2022. It features the art of Raisa Reimse (raisareimse), Vanessa Jane (vanessajane66) and Scylla Rhiadra. I hadn’t yet came across any of these three artists so far.

The gallery itself has been renewed. Michiel wrote: “The outside gallery, lobby and rooms have been redesigned by Maggie Runo, who has been recently added to our team (which consists of Tresore Prada (tresore), MsToya (Mstoya Bailey) and me)

The main gallery building hasnt’ changed. On the ground floor are two exhibitions rooms, a third exhibition space is on the 2nd floor. I first visited Raisa Reimse’s exhibition.

Raisa takes her pictures in Second Life. I think that the pictures are a little bit processed to achieve perfectness. Raisa has an eye for the right view, for capturing the beauty of landscapes and nature in Second Life. She’s not restricted on landscape only though but also takes pictures of animals, art, portraits and even objects like a small plane in the skies.

Raisa is in Second Life since 2018. She has a flickr account, a store on the marketplace and she has her personal gallery “Raisa Reimse Photography“.

Vanessa Jane (vanessajane66) takes her raw pictures also in Second Life, yet she’s focused more on objects or strange buildings or fantasy places. Her artwork is broad and she also has beautiful landscapes as a motif. Vanessa also processes her pictures to give them the touch, the light and the expression she desires to see. Right along the window are 3 pictures in almost black and white, where colour is only used to hightlight an element.

Vanessa Jane (vanessajane66) is in Second Life since 2014, but she joined Sl with another avatar already in 2009. You can grab a biography in her exhibition room at the Michiel Bechir Gallery. Vanessa wrote about herself:
2D and 3D Artist in SL. I have done various forms of Art and Crafts for many years in RL and have an Art degree.
In my SL 2D Art I strive for ‘painterly realism’ and have a passion for capturing the elusive light and life in a scene, which brings a unique atmosphere. I bring my real life training as an artist to my aesthetic sensibility in the images I create in SL. When I get the chance I also enjoy opportunities to do 3D art using tortured prims.
After a break from SL Art I am back mixing my SL photography with creating in a new medium, Digital Paintings using Rebelle 5 Pro. This is enabling me to paint as I would using real life media but also to play using the best that digital art packages can offer.

Vanessa Jane (vanessajane66) has also a flickr acoout.
She has exhibited her artwork at many places and galleries already. A list of exhibitions can be found in the biography notecard as well as published reviews of them. In the Kultivate Magazine June 21 she gave an interview.

Scylla Rhiadra’s exhibition is on the second floor of Michiel Bechir Gallery. Her exhibition deals with shadows. Shadows can attract the eye of the spectator, it can lead the view to a certain detail or a shadow can hide a detail so that the spectator has to add it in mind according to imagination. The text at the entrance of the sxhibition expresses this perfectly: “No mystery so ompelling as that obscured by the dark
All pictures are from 2022 and they are all titled. You find the title next to the pictures. The title gives you a hint about the artists thoughts.

Scylla Rhiadra is in Second Life since 2008. She’s from Canada and decribes ehrself in her profile as “Reborn oldster. Feminist activist, leftist, reasonably active forumite, retired SL bookseller, interested in literature, history, art, and people
Scylla also has a flickr account.

Another great exhibition. Thank you Michiel and the whole team (Maggie Runo, Tresore Prada (tresore) and MsToya (Mstoya Bailey) for providing the space for the arts and many thanks to the artists of course. I enjoyed my visit.

Landmark to Michiel Bechir Gallery
Raisa Reimse (raisareimse)’s flickr
Raisa Reimse (raisareimse)’s store on the marketplace
Raisa Reimse (raisareimse)’s gallery “Raisa Reimse Photography”
Vanessa Jane (vanessajane66)’s flickr
Vanessa Jane (vanessajane66) Interview about her work in Kultivate Magazine June 21
Scylla Rhiadra’s flickr

A tribute to Jenny Maurer

Those who follow us in this blog might have an idea how difficult it was for me to write this text. If I missed anyone close to Jenny in this post, please forgive me – it was not intended!

My beloved partner, my property, my Mistress, my world and my best friend passed away unexpectedly in in July 2022.

There is no second life, we all have only one life. Second Life was Jenny’s and my heavenly escape. A place where we could try out ourselves, do things we’d never dared doing in RL, we could dress kinky and own a big island. We could be evil and nice. But still this second life was part of our one life.

Diomita and Jenny Maurer (2009/2010)

Jenny rezzed her avatar (Laylady Lay) in Second Life on March 19th, 2008, just 6 weeks after I had rezzed mine. We met each other the first time on May 21st, 2008 at a place called Stonehaven, which was at that time a very popular sim for bondage lovers, cage lovers and for other kinky people. I had a small house up in the skies of Stonehaven. I just had been collared by Yasmin Heartsdale and was a member of her “brat pack”.
Jenny and I, we both sat at the patio of Stonehaven. Frankly, this was a really ugly place, but it was popular. There was a wall with hooks where subs and slaves were leashed and put on display and a few chairs for the visitors who watched what was going on. We began to talk and that night I showed Jenny my house in the skies and the cage I had there. She wanted to go in spontaneously but I stopped her from doing so. Instead I promised her that I would allow it the next time we would meet. Jenny returned the next day and entered the cage. I kept her in there until June 5th, 2008. That day I collared her as my slave with the blessing of my owner those days, Yasmin. We had used her time in the cage to talk for endless hours, to get known to each other. We talked about our expectations, about our kinks, about D/s, about bondage and yes also about our RL. It was the beginning of a wonderful time we had together, more than 14 unforgetable years, in which we saw each other daily for several hours. When our RL prevented us to come into second life, we stayed in touch with other media.

Diomita and Jenny Maurer (2008/2009)

We got partnered in Second Life and married with a real virtual wedding ceremony (held by Yasmin) on October 24th, 2008. For our honeymoon we got a skybox which is still in the skies of our homesim today and which we named “Chez Maurer”.

We founded an own family within Yasmin’s brat pack. That’s why we called our family “Euro Brats”. I forced Jenny to be dominant towards the other slaves who I collared over the years. One of our first slaves was Santana Thibedeau, who we collared on November 22nd, 2008. He once had a play with other slaves of Yasmin’s brat pack and became a cat, a Kitty for a limited time. And she began to enjoy it that much, that we decided that he stays female. (S)he became Kitty Maurer.
Jenny enjoyed her dominance towards our subs and slaves more and more with time and she wanted more. She negotiated that I submitted to her for limited times, which we called a “green light”. After my release from Yasmin’s collar in 2011, Jenny convinced me to wear a collar again – her collar. And I agreed that we owned each other mutually. Later we fixed a day for my collaring: April 21st, 2013.
Our family changed … slaves and subs came and left. In 2012 we collared Angelique. Angelique Maurer became a close family member. She became our niece and as our niece she literally grew, she persued her own way and her own way of roleplay. And more and more we became her aunts, providing a stable family and base for her just like in RL. Angelique was never officially released by us, and we loved to have her around – as our niece. In these hard days of grieving for Jenny, I am very happy to her her around.
And there is our Flo. We enslaved Flo on Nov 29th, 2013 – she had no chance once we got our claws into her. On the occasion of her 7th collaring anniversary in 2020, we promoted our long standing friend and slave to “Maurer’s Housekeeper”, a position with more duties and not more rights. Thank you, Flo.
With the years going by, Jenny’s dominant side developed and became stronger and stronger. On the eve of our eighth wedding anniversary, October 23rd, 2016, I finally fully submitted to Mistress Jenny and became her married slave, her Ehesklavin for the rest of our time together. I still owned her as well but since that day Mistress Jenny was in charge. She was the one who granted green lights, the limited times when I was allowed to dominate her, and when she could let her hair down and relax being mine for a couple of days. As a true dominant, she made her life comfortable and kept me as the head of our family – she was smart.

Jenny and Diomita Maurer’s 10th wedding anniversary October 24th, 2018 (witnessed by our niece Angelique)

We had our own homeplace, a homestead named Mount Everest, since June 2011. We occupied 1/2 of our homesim and had rented out 1/4 to Sarah Fhang, a friend of ours who we knew from our Stonehaven times. And another 1/4 was rented out to Virgo Babii and Tyra Sciarri, also longterm friends from that time. Virgo is the dj of the legendary Friday night party, that is celebrated every Friday since 2008 and took place (and still takes place) on our sim since we owned it. Jenny loved the Friday night parties with which we started into our weekends. She hated to miss them due to RL shift work. We used to talk about a theme for the party every Thursday and she came up with great ideas.

We were inseparable, a domme couple, yet everyone around us knew that I was Mistress Jenny’s married slave. We were embedded in a great community of family and friends: Claven Albatros, Baroness Capelo, our stepdaughter Ebony, Argi Boa, Starbright Wingtips and the whole pixie gang and many others. In 2021 we collared slave Holly and Jenny was pleased owning her. Just lately we also enjoyed the presence of slave Alessi (who is not collared by us) and we became closer with our domme friend Dely (krybia).

Jenny was a wonderful person. She was always polite and tolerant. I learned a lot from her. She took things not too seriously. She wanted that all around her had fun. She insisted that we never forced a slave or sub to stay, that we never collared someone against their will. She had wit and creativity. She taught me being more “British”. Since she had retired in RL in 2021, Mistress and I had more time in the afternoons, more time for togetherness. Mistress Jenny strengthened her position as my owner. She pushed me deep into subspace and I enjoyed it. She did prepare her steps. Nothing happened by accident. Yet she also kept her spontaneity and she took care of me so that I never doubted her love. She loved teasing me and keeping me on my toes.

Dominance is the ability to create a hunger in someone that’s so strong they will do anything, anytime, anywhere just to please you. Jenny created this hunger in me. I really loved, admired and worshipped her. I craved to please her and she always confirmed that I pleased her always and anytime and anywhere. She was very proud to own me and I was proud to be hers. But most of all we were close friends. Jenny was – and will always be (!) – the love of my Second Life. We enjoyed our time in SL, that was a part of our RL. We had just great years, memories that I will value for the rest of my life until I see Jenny again on the other side.

We respected our privacy. Although we talked a lot also about our RL, about our children as well as about projects, about food, about vacations, about work and about everyday life we never exchanged pictures of us, phone numbers or adresses. Thus we kept the picture of each other that we had in Second Life. We lived our Second Life. When Jenny didn’t show up anymore, I had gloomy premonitions that something bad had happened. I am thankful that I got certainty when someone close to Jenny in RL contacted me to tell me that she passed away.

Jenny will be missed not only by me but also by her family and friends in real life as well as in second life. I myself miss her badly, every day. I talk to her, every day. I think of her, every day. I feel her close, every day. I feel her unconditional love every day. Jenny will stay unforgotten not only by me. Rest in peace, my love.

I have to make some decisions now that I am a widow in Second Life. An important chapter in my real life and in my second life has ended. I am more than thankful for my time with Jenny. My second life will go on. I won’t let down our family and friends in this virtual world. Jenny will always be with me, she will watch me from the other side. And as we were inseparable a part of her will live on in my real life and in my virtual existence until I see her again.

Farewell my love, rest in peace, Jenny

Simploring 2022 (14) Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day

Sunday, July 24th, I went on a simploring tour. I picked “Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day” from the SL Destination guide.

Breathe. Be free. It IS a wonderful day. Takes a few minutes to rez all in. Shared environment is best. Listen to the music and the sounds. Respect others! What is your favorite kind of day? Peace and love to you!

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day – at the landing (welcome) point

Upon landing please activate “shared environment” and turn your sound on. I also turned shadows from sun/moon + projectors on for my visit. “Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day” is a moderate homestead and it is another great example what you can realize with this limited amount of prims. Really fascinating! It is owned by Faith (proverbs312014), who is in Second Life since 2009.

There is a notecard with a description that you can grab upon landing. It is a perfect wrap-up of what you can do at “Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day“:

Thank you for visiting Peaceful Moments. I create places that I feel are filled with peace and that allow my visitors to immerse in a safe and hopefully helpful or enjoyable way.
This sim is like a compilation of my previous creations. There are four colored spheres on the sim, each with a different theme: Always Christmas, Lavender Folly, The Merlife, and Butterfly Woods. On this sim, you can always frolic in the snow and celebrate Christmas, be like a mermaid, spend time in a forest with butterflies, meditate in a Zen garden, and relax on a peaceful serene beach. I have also added a special spot to dance to The Beatles. My sim is a welcoming and safe place for all. The unicorn themed house has a Straight Ally LGBTQIA+ flag on the front. I am such an ally. Last but not least, you can even enjoy the scenery from the sky by sitting on the whale up in the mountains. There are many inviting places to meet up with friends, talk, maybe cuddle, and dance. Or come by yourself and find a special spot. It is designed for singles and couples. For everyone.

At the landing point you find a teleporter that I used to travel around. I visited all of the above mentioned spots.

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day – Hideaway (upper left) / Butterfly (upper right) / Christmas (lower left) / Umbrella (lower right)

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day – Lavender (upper left) / The Beatles (upper right) / Serenity (lower left) / Ride the whale (lower right)

A few simple requests…
– Be nice. Bullying is not tolerated.
– Wear clothes to cover your private parts. Nudity is not acceptable here.
– Reach out if you have questions or if something does not work on the sim. I try to make sure everything is accessible for you.
– Have fun, relax, and find your peace.

Please take a moment to visit if you have a chance. Let me know what you think! There is a guest book in the geo dome on the beach. Thank you again!

There is not much there… let’s add some pics!
Peace and love to you,

The last spot from the teleporter menu that I used to to travel around was “The Merlife”. First it is a beautiful spot on the shore of a laguna. But there’s more. When you walk through the turquoise gate you get down into a bizarre and colourful underwater world.

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day – The Merlife

After travelling around with teleporter I continued exploring on foot. As Faith wrote there are countless spots to sit and enjoy or to take pictures. I felt like in a dream, a fantasy world, in particular when I saw the transparent big mushrooms or the unicorns. I also spent some time mediating.

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day – The unicorn themed house / Meditation

There is much more to discover. With the sound turned on, you will notice that Faith has selected the music and ambient sound according to the spots you visit. Hence you get music from The Beatles when you visit The Beatles hut, you get Christmas music visiting the Christmas sphere and you get chill-out music at the beach, the place I sat down and listened to the music while writing my simploring report. I once zoomed out to get an impression how this beautiful sim was made. In the overview you can recognice the spheres, that dive the according area of the sim in another light.

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day – more impressions / at the beach / zoom-out overview (lower right)

Thank you Faith for creating “Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day“. You really designed a peaceful place with a lot of different spots for every mood. I was in another world during my visit. Just as it should be. I enjoyed my visit a lot.

Peaceful Moments – It’s a Wonderful Day
Flickr page for Peaceful Moments

Backflash June 2022 “Diary 2017 (90) May 31st – Mine” (June 8th, 2017) and “Diary 2017 (93) June 5th – 11th: with my property” (June 15th, 2017)

In the “Backflash” series I select an old entry once a month and present it here. This way I force myself to browse in the archive and to fresh up a few of the many memories. For our readers the series shall provide an insight into our Second Life without reading back the many posts and it might also give reason to browse through the archives.
For June 2022 I selected two posts:
The first is the diary post from May 31st, 2017, so about five years old. It is titled “Mine”. I was enjoying a green light as Mistress Jenny’s 9th collaring anniversary was coming up.
The second post is a diary post “Diary 2017 (93) June 5th – 11th: with my property”, published June 15th, 2017. In that post I summarized 6 days when we both were not that much inworld and I was still enjoying being in control. In that post expressed my possessiveness about Jenny.
A lot has happened in the meanwhile. Our journey continued. Mistress Jenny enslaved me and marked me as her slave, her Ehesklavin. Her tattoos have been modified as well. But Mistress Jenny is still my wife and my Mistress, something I am very proud of – and I am still very possessive about her.
Enjoy reading…

Diary 2017 (90) May 31st – Mine (June 8th, 2017)

Wednesday, May 31st, I took my property Jenny, aka. Mine, to Bondage & Storage Project in the afternoon so that she could please me in two ways, first of all, I enjoyed her tongue to the fullest and then I tried out a nice bondage hook using Mine as a model. I think the result is very nice.

May 31st: Mistress Diomita and her property Jenny, aka. Mine, at Bondage & Storage Project

At night I started at home in our dungeon and began to get a bit more familiar with the new Mistress Chair. We had placed a copy in our dungeon (the other one is on our skybox). Mine had to lick my boots and she did well. Then I put a RF hood on Jenny’s head, pulled it tight and added some restrictions and we began a little tour exposing her at Mesmerize Dungeon first and then at Heavy Bondage Club.

May 31st: Scenes of a varied night

Cow Kitty came inworld and joind us. We also met an old friend, Vanilla Meili, who showed us her latest combination of clothing including a metal hood with a lockable front shield and a golden corset with spikes, quite an individual cmposition of clothes and restraints. Once again, we finished our night at club DeLust before I stored Mine in the annex of our private skybox.

We had another varied day and I enjoyed being in control (as it should be *winks*)

Diary 2017 (93) June 5th – 11th: with my property

While Jenny is on vacation and our slaves are not often present due to various reasons (read also here) our Second Life was quiet and there’s not that much to report and to save for our diary. I spent my nights with my property, with shopping, playing chess inworld, with simploring and with a bit of roaming around. I was absent myself due to RL obligations between Friday, June 9th and Sunday, June 11th. When Jenny was online, we spent most of our time chatting and catching up and I enjoyed having her at my feet. I admit, that I get used to be in control again and I enjoy it to the fullest. I am and will always be very possessive about Jenny, about my property, Mine. And that is what I want to save for the diary.

June 7th: Precious moments – Mistress Diomita and her very owned property Jenny

Links to the original posts

Simploring 2022 (10) Grauland June 2022

Wednesday, June 8th, JimGaranad told me that he had remodeled Grauland again. He also told me that this iteration would stay only a few weeks – and I should just enjoy. Well, I did enjoy exploring and as I made quite some pictures once again and as it is another different and interesting sim design, I will report about my visit and keep my impressions for the blog.

I have visited Grauland in 2019 the first time (read here), three times in 2020 (read here, here and here) and twice in 2021, in April 2021 (read here), in November 2021 (read here), in January 2022 (read here) and in May 2022 (read here). Grauland of June 22 is a strategic military base on a remote, rocky island.

Grauland June 2022 – bird eye view and orientation map

The landing on Grauland is on a pier that leads to a high stairwell built into a steep rock. I walked up the stairs and from there you have a first overview over the sim. Stairs lead down again into the rock. Actually the rock is hollowed out and contains a quite complete infrastructure for soldiers to live. I first explored the headquarters, a building with a control room, a cafeteria, conference room and a lounge.

Impressions of Grauland June 2022 (1) – Landing, the stairs, the headquarter building

Impressions of Grauland June 2022 (2) – Entertainment, Lounge, conference room, control room and cafeteria

Grauland is an adult sim owned by JimGarand. Jim owns a shop for poses, the M-1 Art Poses. At the landing pier you find a teleport board to the M-1 Art Poses shop, that is located in another room of the headquarter building. I had a look at the store and stepped out of the building. If you walk along the wooden pier there you reach a seperate island with just 4 chairs and a campfire.
If you walk along the rock though, you come to a big gate. This gate is the entrance to a tunnel, that leads through the rock to the other side. The tunnel has also a connection the the headquarters.

Impressions of Grauland June 2022 (3) – M1 Art poses store, campfire and tunnel through the rock

Next to the headquarters are the team quarters. You can reach it from the headquarters or through a seperate entrance. The teamquarter building has a glass roof to provide some daylight.

Impressions of Grauland June 2022 (4) – Teamquarters and bridge to the hangar

I continued my simploring tour and went over the large bridge that leads to an hangar. Inside you find a futuristic combat aircraft. I could even sit in it and look at the instruments – yet I couldn’t fly it 😦

Impressions of Grauland June 2022 (5) – Hangar with combat aircraft

On all strategic point of the military base you find canons. But in peaceful times and when not working, the soldiers can relax. Besides the campfire, you find loungers in front of the headquarters, some air mattresses and a large floating rubber boat. Although I wasn’t dressed for it …. I could not resist to try out some poses…..

Impressions of Grauland June 2022 (6) – One of the canons / Diomita posing

I had fun simploring. JimGarand created another interesting place. I like the hidden headquarters and teamquarters – and I had great fun posing. Thank you, Jim, in particular for sharing your place with the public.
If you want to see Grauland June 2022, then you might have to do it soon. I look forward to seeing the next iteration.

Landmark to Grauland
Grauland flickr
JimGarand’s store M-1 Art Poses on the marketplace

Backflash May 2022 “Celebrations.” (May 25th, 2012)

In the “Backflash” series I select an old entry once a month and present it here. This way I force myself to browse in the archive and to fresh up a few of the many memories. For our readers the new series shall provide an insight into our Second Life without reading back the many posts and it might also give reason to browse through the archives.
For May 2022 I selected a post from May 2012 – a decade ago. And it is a post that Jenny wrote for us and I wrote a longer comment to it. Jenny titled it “Celebratations.” because she wrote it on the occasion of her upcoming 4th collaring anniversary.
Enjoy reading…

“Celebrations.” (May 25th, 2012)

As Diomita wrote in her last blog we are celebrating 4 years since we met and today is 4 years since Mistress Diomita invited me to enter her double cage knowing that I would be there until she alone decided.

When we had met a few days earlier there was a charge in the air that was not like anything else I had ever felt. During the tour of Diomita’s home she had shown me the cage and I remember I had said something along the lines of do you want me to go inside it. Diomita replied that I would, but on my next visit.  I knew it would happen and I knew I could not resist.

Before I did enter the cage I had some loose ends to attend to. I was being pursued by somebody else and the time zones were wrong and there was also the feeling that I was not welcome by her partner. I asked Diomita if I might explain in person that I had made up my mind as I do like to do things properly.

So on 25th May 2008 I made the steps to enter the cage. I felt a wide mixture of emotions. I had not done anything like this before and yet I already felt there was trust between us. I knew I would be isolated from everyone I knew and would not be able to wander around enjoying the RP’s at Stonehaven and the banter that went on there. I did not know for how long I would be caged or what else to expect so there was some apprehension but most of all I felt that it was something I had to do, Destiny was controlling me as much as my head or my heart.

Over the 12 days that I was locked up I was kept locked and leashed at all times. Diomta came to visit me every day and we sat and talked and got to know each other very well. My ‘Trial’ would have been over a couple of days earlier but Diomita was obliged to introduce me to Goddess first for her approval. Now this was something that scared me more than the first step into the cage. I really was new to this kind of family hierarchy and Goddess was very comfortable in her role as head. my nerves were on edge and I was worried that I might say the wrong thing and end my chances to wear the collar that made me the property of Mistress Diomita. Needless to say I passed inspection and I met Yar Sam and Tyra for the first time that day too.

So for everybody who knows us in SL, and who follows us in this blog, This time brings back a lot of very special memories to us both. We still like to celebrate this time with some back to the future play, as it brings back the raw feelings that we experienced when we met. We have developed a lot and our roles have evolved over time yet our relationship is strong because of one very firm rule that we both insist on. Mistress Diomita will always own me first and I will always be her slave no matter how you see us or what we are doing at the time this will always be true.

I love you Mistress Diomita

I wrote the following comment to Jenny’s post …

Thank you for this anniversary text, Ehesklavin. Now this day is documentated also in our diary. At least from your side of the bars. I do remember the house and the cage at Stonehaven very well as well as I remember the patio in Stonehaven where we met first. I felt a strange trust to Jenny. She was open minded, willing to serve and to give up control. We talked about rules and expectations, about Yasmin, my sisters, my trial, her potential role. I still have the first notecards from her 🙂
It was enjoyable and we even exchanged a bit about RL.
After just a few days I was sure she would stay in the cage until I open it. But we had to wait to see Yasmin so that I get permission to collar her. We met her at the Bratz Club which was brand new these days as far as I remember. There we had the Friday night parties and this tradition lives on until today.

I love you to bits, Ehesklavin. And yes, you’ll be mine first beyond all tease and play and beyond green lights. Enjoy your red light weeks now.
Kisses from Dio

Back to 2022!

Times have changed as you all know. Today I am Mistress Jenny’s slave, I fully submitted to her. I am her Ehesklavin.
It was a long process that began some time in 2012, led to my collaring in April 2013, to being marked as Mistress Jenny’s Ehesklavin in 2016 and to full enslavement in 2022. But what about the promises we both made back in 2012? None of us foresaw this development and we don’t know what future has in store for us. We simply enjoy our journey together and the bond between us became very strong. And we have nothing to regret or to take back. Mistress Jenny is still also collared by me and I fully trust her as her married slave, her Ehesklavin. Thank you Mistress Jenny, my love, my world!

Link to the original post

Simploring 2022 (7) Grauland May 2022

Sunday, May 15th, I had some time in the later morning and went simploring. I read in Susann DeCuir’s blog “Mein Zweites Leben” that Grauland has been refurbished once again (Simtipp: Grauland wurde umgebaut (Adult) in German).

I have visited Grauland in 2019 the first time (read here), three times in 2020 (read here, here and here) and twice in 2021, in April 2021 (read here), in November 2021 (read here) and in January 2022 (read here). And every time it was different. Each redesign was worth a visit, as is this one!

Grauland May 2022 – bird eye view and orientation map

Grauland is an adult sim owned by JimGarand. Jim owns a shop for poses, the M-1 Art Poses. The landing at Grauland is in front of a little shop for Jim’s poses. Jim’s former iterations of Grauland were often filled with a lot of art objects. This time the architecture and design of Grauland is one main focus.

Impressions of Grauland May 2022 (1)

Right upon landing you have spectacular views. The sim is surrounded by high mountains and spatially confined by high rocks on two sides. A path leads from the landing along a waterfall, over a bridge and under an aqueduct to a modern villa. The aqueduct leads the water of another waterfall over several segments down into the sea. The modern villa is for sure one of the highlights of Grauland in May 2022. From here you have a good view on the whole sim as well as on a field of menhirs, the only art object of this iteration of Grauland.

Impressions of Grauland May 2022 (2)

I continued my simploring tour and my woalk along the path. It led me to a large parking area and a festival area with a huge stage and stands, For sure a place to watch great concerts.

Impressions of Grauland May 2022 (3)

Close to the parking and the festival area you find a camping side, the place where festival visitors stay overnight, where they celebrate before and after the event. You should try out the seats there, they offer nice and unique poses for celebrations. Quite realitic are the portable toilets, the public showers and the garbage tons. There’s really all you need for a festival.

Impressions of Grauland May 2022 (4)

Next to the festival area is the beach and it is a fun beach with a large playground. The main attraction at the beach is a huge orange King Kong figure with a skid that leads from King Kong’s chest down to the beach. You can slide down actually (and I did). A more quiet area is at the end of the natural bay where a pier reaches out to the bottom of another waterfall. You can sit there and watch the world go by. Or you face the other direction and look over the festival area, the beach and the long aqueduct.

Impressions of Grauland May 2022 (5)

As I wrote in the beginning of my simploring report, it is the desgin, the waterfalls, the aqueduct, the villa and the festival area that makes Grauland May 2022 so outstanding. In my personal opinion that is art. Thank you Jim, you made another great iteration of Grauland and I enjoyed my visit a lot.

Close to the beach you find some water fun. A skid and several tubes and inflatable mattresses float in the sea. Spontaneously I stripped (it is an adult homestead) and tried them out. I had fun posing.

Diomita posing at Grauland May 2022

And this ends my simploring report. Well done, Jim!

Landmark to Grauland
Grauland flickr
JimGarand’s store M-1 Art Poses on the marketplace
Susann DeCuir’s blogpost “Simtipp: Grauland wurde umgebaut (Adult)”

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