Simploring 2017 (22) – TaKe Heart

Saturday, March 25th, I visited “TaKe Heart“. I came across it by following the blog of Nix Bubbles (nixi12345), Places in Secondlife with a tiny pinch of Fashion.
TaKe Heart is a photogenic sim with many areas to hang out, take photographs or dance or cuddle. As it is an adult sim you can visit wearing fetish clothes or just nothing. The sim is owned by Kess (kess.crystal). The notecard, that you can grab upon landing says that TaKe Heart is owned by Kess and Spazz Tackett …. and I assume that “TaKe” is the Ta from Tackett and the Ke from Kess. The sim was designed by Sadystika Sabretooth, and she really made a great job with this sim. I spent an hour wandering around, exploring, enjoying the peace and testing several places just to sit and dream.
There are several buildings at TaKe Heart: the landing point, a wind mill, a farm, a church, 2 houses where you can purchase poses and animations, a dance area surrounded by arcs and a greenhouse. All buidings develop an own charme and offer opportunites to take pictures. Spread all over the sim are places to cuddle be it at the shores or under a tree.
TaKe Heart is another example how beautiful Second Life can be and what you can create. Many thanks to all who contributed to this gem of Second Life, particularly to Kess for providing the sim to the public.
Landmark to TaKe Heart
There’s also a Facebook site for TaKe Heart